
Jumat, 20 April 2012

Dezenvolver o Café de Timor, Aumentar o seu valór
Aumentando a qualidade de Café, diminui a importação de Café
Com o objetivo de aumentar a qualidade do Café para melhor competir no Mercado internacional, a MTCI e MAP organizaram uma Conferência Internacional de Café em Timor-Leste para reunir a opinião de todas as entidades como a sosiedade civil, produtóres de café, e também dos exportadores, dado que a qualidade de café é uma grande preocupação dos consumidores.
A Companhia Sukufindo da nação Indonésia também participou nesta conferência, onde vai-se debrusar sobre a legalização dos produtos que Timor-Leste irá exportar para o exterior incluindo o Café de Timor. O Primeiro Ministro Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao acompanhado pelo Ministro de Turismo, Comercio e Industria, Gil da Costa Alves e do Ministro de Agrigultura e Pesca Mariano Assanami Sabino, abriram a primeira conferência de café que teve lugar no Hotel Timor, Dili.
Na mesma ocasião, o Primeiro Ministro Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, apelou a todos os agricultures para se debruçarem na melhoria da qualidade de Café Timor para assim competir melhor no Mercado Internaciona e também para que os próprios timorense possam consumir uma qualidade boa de Café. O Primeiro Ministro adiantou que, a qualidade de café não só vai dar uma grande contribuição a nação mas também a população de hoje e beneficiar a geração vindora. O Primeiro Minstru pediu a todas entidades que trabalhassem juntos para melhorar e aumentar a produção do Café local porque neste momento Timor-Leste só esta a produzir 0,2% de café.
Ele disse, “ se os agricultores não melhorem a qualidade do café, vai ser difícil exportar-lo, e o próprio timorense vai preferir consumir o café importado do exterior. Só com o trabalho do povo mais o apoio da comunidade internacional de café e dos parceiros ,é que se pode desenvolver melhor a produção do café”.
O Primeiro Ministro também salientou que, esta conferência internacional de café com o objetivo de melhorar e aumentar a produção de café é muito importante para Timor-Leste porque mais de 50 mil famílias em Timor-Leste são produtores de café e vivem com o rendimento do mesmo.
O Primeiro Ministro frisou, “ neste momento o desenvolvimento das áreas rurais e da agricultura são as prioridades do governo no currente ano 2009, pois atravéz da melhoria e do aumento da produção do café poder-se-a contribuir para o bem estar do povo.
Na conferência internacional de café que teve lugar no Hotel Timor, Dili, mais de 200 pessoas participaram. Esta conferência realizou-se graças ao trabalho conjunto do Ministério de Turismo, Comércio e Indústria e do Ministério de Agricultura e Pesca apoiado pela Organização Mundial de Café.
Na mesma ocasião o Ministru de Turismo Comércio e Indústria (MTCI) Gil da Costa Alves disse que a conferência internacional é importante para a produção do café de Timor, porquê o café de Timor já é conhecido mundialmente e a sua qualidade é excelente.
“Esta Conferência Internacional é muito positivo, porquê há participação de todos os sectores relevantes e de varios instituições internacionais de café. Isto demostra que todas as partes interessadas querem desenvolver o café de Timor. Há muitos países que compram o café de Timor, como o Japão, América e outros. Muitos empresários já venderam café de Timor no exterior e estes por sua vez venderam para outras partes do globo”, disse o Ministro Gil Alves.
Consoante o ministro, no ano 2008 Timor-Leste conseguio exportar Café de Timor por volta de 10.000 toneladas. Japão é a nação mais interessada na compra do café de Timor.
A administração Senior do Sistema de Informação SUCUFINDO-Indonésia Erry G. Wariaatemadja disse na mesma ocasião que esta conferência internacional é um dos passos para o desenvolvimento do café Timor.
“Quanto a nossa observação Timor-Leste é sítio ideal para o cultivo de café, café de Timor pode entrar no mercado internacional, além disso já é membro da Organização Internacional de Café, por isso que a Indonésia está disponível para trabalhar com o Governo de Timor-Leste no desenvolvimento do sistema de Café de Timor levando assim a obter o certificado de origem, disse.
Conforme os estudos feitos, identificou-se cinco áreas favoráveis á produção de café são eles os distritos de Ermera, Liquiça, Aileu, Ainaro e Manufahi. MEDIA MTCI
DILI- Como uma nação onde a qualidade do seu Café já é conhecido internacionalmente, Timor-Leste irá realizar uma Conferência Internacional de Café para melhor dar a conhecer a qualidade do seu Café.
Para realizar esta iniciativa, o Ministério de Turismo, Comércio e Indústria (MTCI) trabalhando em conjunto com o Ministério de Agricultura efectuaram contactos com membros de ICO (Internasional Coffee Organization) para efeitos de realização de uma conferência internacional em Timor-Leste.
Conforme os planos esta conferência realizar-se-a no Hotel Timor em Dili, com duração de dois dias, iniciando no dia 3 a 4 de Abril de 2009. Para esta conferência vão ser convidados todas as entidade públicas e do sector privado que estão relacionados com o sector de Café.
A Directora Geral do MTCI Dra. Manuela G. B. Corte-Real, atravéz da Conferência de Impresa disse “ o objectico desta konferência internacional é para dar a conhecer a todas entidades em TL da potência e benefício de quando TL vir a ser membro de ICO e também a cerca do desenvolvimento da exportação de café.
Com isto podemos criar uma política boa no desenvolvimento do sector de café” a Dra. Manuela Corte-Real disse.
Na mesma ocasião o Director Nacional Plantas Industriais e Agro Comércio, MAFP, Caetano dos Santos Cristovão, acrescentou, “ A qualidade do Café de Timor já é conhecido internacionalmente por isso TL precisa de se involver no ICO para assim adquir mais apoio da organização referida”. MEDIA MTCI DILI-The Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry on Tuesday (22/06) passed along with the  JETRO Japan Company , organized a seminar entitled "Japan market situation for coffee and tea Herbarium,". The objective of this seminar is how Timor-leste should have  the possibilities  to produce the coffee and tea Herbarium for Japan market.
As speaker of this seminar, Shigehito Takahashi, expert of JETRO, National Director of Plants, Industry and Agro - Trade , Fernando Egidio Amaral  from Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries , who will introduce the topics about an “Overview of The Estate Crops Sub-Sector Contribution to the National Economy in the Future “, and Arturo a. Ortiz who will present the topic on national Strategy for Export. This seminar aims at promoting the General Food and Economic Inspection (IAE-MTCI) Dra, Florentina C.P. m. Smith. At the opening, the General Inspector said that, Timor-Leste, as a country that has the biggest natural resources, in addition to oil and natural gas, also in the area of agriculture has coffee and tea Herbarium. However, Timor-Leste has less capacity to develop such products. “Last year the Government established an agreement with the company Jetro Japan to develop products of Coffee and Tea in Timor- Leste.  Because the Japan market is open to receive the Coffee and tea products of East Timor. And our Government is studying the ways how we can export these products more quickly, “said Florentina.
Florentina stressed that coffee and tea are also international consumer goods, and therefore, the Government continues to think, how to develop these products and also how we can extend the tea plantations in great quantity.
"To achieve all this, the MTCI will not work alone. The MTCI will work in collaboration with the Ministry of Agricultures and Fisheries  to see  the plantations and on the export process should be the responsibility of  MTCI for dealing with the matter, " she said. According to  Florentina, through this seminar, the Government will see the possibilities and  in what the Japan market needs  from Timor-Leste  to  export their products to the market of Japan. "With this seminar, we can know what Japan market needs from  East Timor. Japan market shows a great interest to coffee and Tea products of Timor-Leste, because Japan is the  third world Nations, which consumes more coffee and tea. And this is a better opportunity for East Timor. Through this opportunity, we can observe the market situation for Japan and how to fill in the required criteria in Japan market, "explained Florentina. At the same time, Shigehito Takahashi, expert of Jetro, in presentation said, Japan is a nation that does not produce coffee, and therefore only expects the exportation from abroad and is one of the Nations that consumes more coffee in the world.
The market in Japan is open to the export of coffee products, but will have to meet criteria such as product quality, hygiene products, organic and must be legal for the coffee products in Japan, as happens in other nations who receive the import of coffee beans, to the packaging will be run by Japan. Each year, the import of coffee in the Japan market is growing too. At this time, the import of coffee beans to Japan is being made from more than 40 countries, particularly Brazil, Colombia and Indonesia and Timor-Leste in the future. In addition to coffee, tea product is also a well of higher consumption in the nation of Japan, because tea is not just for drinking but also as a medicine. The Director of Coffee and Plantations, in this opportunity also said that the possibility for Timor-Leste already exists to enter the market of Japan. However, how these products of Timor-leste  can compete with the products of other Nations.
"We all know that coffee of East Timor is of good quality, but about Tea product, we have still not planting. In future the Government will study how to run the tea plantations and teach farmers to grow not only coffee but also Tea. And as we will see this, and I hope we can meet all criteria  established in  the Japan market, so that we can easily sell our products, "he said.
DILI-Ministeriu Turismo, Comercio no Industria iha Tersa-Feira (22/06) foin lalais ne’e hamutuk ho Kompania JETRO husi Japaun organiza Seminariu ida ho nia titulu “Situation Of Japanese Market For Coffee and Herbal Tea,”. Objetivu husi seminariu ida ne’e mak, oinsa Timor Leste bele haree posibilidade ne’ebe mak iha hodi produs Kafe no Xa ba mercado Japaun. Sai orador ba seminario ida ne’e mak, Shigehito Takahashi hanesan JETRO expert, Diretor Nasional Plantas, Industria no Agrocomercio, Fernando Egidio Amaral husi Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peskas ne’ebe mak lori topiku kona-ba Overview of The Estate Crops Sub-Sector Contribution to the National Economy in the Future, no Arturo A. Ortiz ne’ebe mak koalia liu kona-ba Estrategia Nasional ba Exportasaun. Seminario ida ne’e, loke husi Inspektora Geral Alimentar e Economico (IAE-MTCI) Dra, Florentina C.P. M. Smith. Iha nia abertura Inspektora Geral ne’e hateten, Timor Leste nasaun ne’ebe mak iha rekurusu naturais ne’ebe boot laos deit Minarai no Gas maibe mos iha area agrikultura nian hanesan Kafe no Xa. Maibe Timor Leste menus kapasidade hodi bele dezenvolve produtus hirak ne’e. “Iha tinan kotuk governu halao ona akordu ida ho Kompania Jetro husi Japaun hodi dezenvolve produtus Kafe no Xa iha Timor Leste. Tamba mercado Japaun nakloke aan ba produtus Kafe no Xa Timor nian. No ita nia governu estuda hela oinsa produtus rua ne’e ita bele exporta lalais,”dehan Florentina. Florentina mos hatutan, Kafe no Xa hanesan konsume internasional, tamba ne’e governu kontinua hanoin hodi dezenvolve produtus Kafe no Xa. No mos oinsa bele loke plantasaun Xa ho kuantidade ne’ebe mak boot. “Atu realiza buat hirak ne’e, MTCI la servisu mesak. MTCI servisu hamutuk ho Ministeriu Agrikultura hodi haree ba plantasaun no kona-ba prosesu exportasaun nian MTCI mak sei haree ba asuntu ida ne’e,”dehan nia. Tuir Florentina katak, liu husi seminariu ida ne’e, Governu bele haree posibilidade no saida mak mercado Japaun hakarak atu Timor Leste halao hodi bele produtus hirak ne’e bele tama iha mercado Japaun. “husi seminariu ida ne’e ita bele hatene saida mak mercado Japaun hakarak husi Timor Leste. Mercado Japaun hatudu interese makas ba produtus Kafe no Xa Timor Leste nian tamba Japaun hanesan nasaun Terseiru iha mundu ne’ebe mak konsume Kafe no Xa makas liu. Ida ne’e mak hanesan Timor nia, oportunidade. Husi oportunidade ida ne’e, ita bele haree mos situasaun mercado Japaun no oinsa ita bele preinxe kriterius mercado Japaun nian,”esplika Florentina. Iha fatin hanesan, Shigehito Takahashi, Jetro Expert ne’e iha nia apresentasaun hateten, Japaun hanesan nasaun ne’ebe mak la produs kafe, no hein exportasaun deit husi nasaun liur no hanesna mos nasaun ne’ebe mak konsume kafe makas iha mundu. Mercado Japaun nakloke ba importasaun produtus kafe nia, maibe tenki priense kriterius hanesan kualidade ba produtus, higine produtus nian, organiku no tenki iha legalidade. Ba produtus kafe Japaun hanesan mos nasaun ne’ebe mak simu importasaun kafe musan prosesu ba packaging sei halao husi Japaun rasik. Kada tinan-tinan importasaun kafe ba mercado Japaun sae makas tebes. Oras ne’e dadaun importasaun kafe musan ba Japaun halao husi nasaun 40 resin no prinsipal mak nasaun Brazil, Columbia no Indonesia no mos Timor Leste iha futuru. Alende Kafe, produtus Xa mos sai hanesan konsume boot iha nasaun Japaun, tamba Xa laos deit ba hemu bai-bain maibe mos bele sai hanesan aimoruk. Diretor Kafe no Plantasaun iha oportunidade mos haktuir katak, posibilidade ba Timor Leste iha ona hodi tama ba mercado Japaun. Maibe oinsa produtus Timor Leste nia bele kompete ho produtus husi nasaun sira seluk.“Ita hotu hatene katak ita Timor nia Kafe nai kualidade diak maibe ba Xa rasik ita ladauk iha plantasaun ida. Iha futuru governu sei estuda oinsa bele halao plantasaun ba Xa no hanorin ita nia agrikultores sira atu laos kuda deit Kafe maibe mos Xa. No ida ne’e ita sei haree, no hau espera iha bele ona prinse kriterius ne’ebe mak mercado Japaun iha, nune’e fasil ba ita hodi faan ita nai produtus hirak ne’e,”dehan nia. (Media MTCI)
DILI – Direitor Nacional do Comerciu Domestico (DNCD), Ministeriu Tursimo, Comercio no Industria (MTCI), Fernando Hi da Silva hatete, to’o Fevereiru 2010 empresas nacionais no es-trangeiros ne’ebe registu ona iha DNCD, hamutuk 1.399. Husi total 1.399 ne’e, empresas nacionais ne’ebe registu hamutuk 1.338 no empresas es-trangeiros hamutuk 61. Kompara ho tinan 2009, total empresas nacionais no estrangeiros ne’ebe registu iha DNCD hamutuk 4.251. Empresas nacionais 3.181 no empresas estrangeiros 1.070.“Iha posibilidade, to’o fim 2010 total empresas nacionais ne’ebe registu, se sa’e maka’as liu tan husi tinan 2009. Husi dadus ita bele hare. Foin mak fulan Fevereiru, total empresas nacio-nais ne’ebe registu iha ona 1.338,” hatete Fernando Hi iha ninia servisu fatin, Fomento, Dili, Kuarta (31/03). Fernando mos rekonhese, registo de empresas ne’ebe sa’e maka’as iha tinan 2009 tan de-sizaun governo ne’ebe loke oportunidade ba empresas nacionais atu tuir konkursu ba projeito pakote referendum. Kona ba registo de micro empresas, tuir Fernando, to’o Fevereiru 2010 iha 734 empresas husi 13 distritu mak hetan ona sertificado. Maske nune’e, iha tinan 2009 registo de micro empre-sas hamutuk 1.262. “Total 2009 ne’e sa’e maka’as liu tan, kompara ho tinan 2008, ne’ebe iha deit 849 micro empresas ne’ebe registo tiha ona iha DNCD-MTCI,” nia hateten. Alem de ne’e, iha fulan Fevereiru 2010 empresas ne’ebe empregam trabalhadores ne’ebe registu iha DNCD hamutuk 3.391 pessoas hanesan dados ne’ebe empresarios prenche iha formu-larios. Valor ida ne’e, mai husi 3.320 trabalhadores nacionais no trabalhadores estrangeiros 71, tama ona iha lista registu DNCD nian. Fernando esplika katak, servisu DNCD-MTCI tuir despacho ministerial No. 1/2008. “Iha despacho ne’e hatete katak, DNCD nia servisu mak halo no fo licensia provisorio ba estabilhe-simento fatin no mos ba licensia provisorio ba aktividade de negocio,” nia hatete tan. Kona ba durasaun licensia provisorio de aktividade, tuir Fernando, ba tinan ida no selu administrasaun US$ 50. Ba licensia permanente ne’ebe iha ona estatuto husi Diresaun Nacional de Registo do Notariado, Ministeriu Justica, selu US$ 100 ba tinan rua. Depois de confere dokumentos hirak ne’e, husi Departemento de Licenciamento de Ne-gosiu, DNCD sei passa recibo ida atu selu iha Banco Nacional Ultramarino (BNU). (Media-MTCI)


East Timor's population of over 1 million is one of the fastest growing in the world at around 4 per cent per annum. Penduduk Timor Timur lebih dari 1 juta adalah salah satu yang paling cepat berkembang di dunia sekitar 4 persen per tahun. The official languages are Tetum and Portuguese, while English and Indonesian are working languages. Bahasa resmi Bahasa Tetum dan Portugis, sedangkan bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia bekerja bahasa. Approximately 95 per cent of East Timorese are Catholic. Sekitar 95 persen penduduk Timor Timur adalah Katolik.
Australia and East Timor have a very close relationship, based on proximity and close people-to-people links. Australia dan Timor Leste memiliki hubungan yang sangat dekat, berdasarkan kedekatan dan dekat orang-ke-orang link. Australia has been in the front-line of support for East Timor's transition to independence, and continues to play a very important role, including through the provision of extensive development and security assistance. Australia telah di garis-depan dukungan bagi transisi Timor Timur menuju kemerdekaan, dan terus memainkan peran yang sangat penting, termasuk melalui penyediaan bantuan pembangunan yang luas dan keamanan.

Political overview Politik ikhtisar

The Democratic Republic of East Timor (Timor-Leste) achieved formal independence on 20 May 2002. East Timor's independence resulted from the August 1999 UN-sponsored national referendum in East Timor, in which 78.5 per cent of the population voted for independence. Republik Demokratik Timor Leste (Timor-Leste) meraih kemerdekaan formal pada 20 Mei 2002.'s Kemerdekaan Timor Timur yang timbul dari disponsori PBB 1999-Agustus referendum nasional di Timor Timur, di mana 78,5 persen penduduk memilih kemerdekaan. The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) was established after the widespread violence and destruction that followed the independence vote, and governed East Timor until independence. The Administrasi Transisi PBB di Timor Timur (UNTAET) didirikan setelah kekerasan luas dan kehancuran yang mengikuti suara kemerdekaan, dan diatur Timor Leste sampai kemerdekaan.
The first democratic legislative elections were held two years later on 30 August 2001. Demokratis pemilu legislatif pertama diadakan dua tahun kemudian pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2001. Over 91 per cent of East Timor's eligible voters elected a Constituent Assembly. Lebih dari 91 persen pemilih yang berhak Timor Timur terpilih sebagai Majelis Konstituante. In March 2002, the Constituent Assembly then passed East Timor's Constitution, based on the Portuguese model, with a unicameral system of parliament, a prime minister with executive power and a president as Head of State. Pada bulan Maret 2002, Majelis Konstituante Timor Timur kemudian disampaikan Konstitusi, berdasarkan model Portugis, dengan sistem unikameral parlemen, perdana menteri dengan kekuasaan eksekutif dan presiden sebagai Kepala Negara.

Legislative Elections Pemilu Legislatif
Presidential Elections Pemilihan Presiden
Last Held Terakhir Dimiliki
30 June 2007 30 Juni 2007
9 May 2007 9 Mei 2007
Key Results Kunci Hasil
Fretilin (29.01%) Fretilin (29,01%)
National Congress for the Reconstruction of Timor (CNRT) (24.1%) Kongres Nasional untuk Rekonstruksi Timor (CNRT) (24,1%)
Coalition of the East Timorese Social Democratic Association and the Social Democratic Party (ASDT/PSD) (15.75%) Koalisi di Timor Timur Asosiasi Demokrat Sosial dan Partai Demokrat Sosial (ASDT / PSD) (15,75%)
Democratic Party (PD) (11.31%) Partai Demokrat (PD) (11.31%)
Association of Timorese Heroes (KOTA) and the People's Party of Timor (PPT) (3.2%) Asosiasi Heroes Timor (KOTA) dan Partai Rakyat Timor (PPT) (3,2%)
National Unity of Timorese Resistance (UNDERTIM) (3.19%) Persatuan Nasional Perlawanan Timor (UNDERTIM) (3,19%)
Dr Jose Ramos-Horta (69%) Dr Jose Ramos-Horta (69%)
Francisco Guterres – Lu'Olo (31%) Francisco Guterres - Lu'Olo (31%)
Term Duration Jangka Jangka waktu
Five years Lima tahun
Five years Lima tahun
Next Elections Berikutnya Pemilihan
30 June 2012 30 Juni 2012
9 April 2012 9 April 2012
Dr Jose Ramos-Horta replaced Xanana Gusmão as President on 20 May 2007, following his success in presidential elections. Dr Jose Ramos-Horta menggantikan Xanana Gusmao sebagai Presiden pada tanggal 20 Mei 2007, setelah keberhasilannya dalam pemilu. Following the 30 June 2007 parliamentary elections, former president Xanana Gusmão was appointed as Prime Minister and sworn in with his new cabinet on 8 August 2007. Setelah 30 Juni 2007 pemilihan parlemen, mantan Presiden Xanana Gusmao diangkat sebagai Perdana Menteri dan disumpah dengan kabinet barunya pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2007. Prime Minister Gusmão leads a coalition government called the Alliance of the Parliamentary Majority, comprising CNRT, ASDT/PSD, PD and UNDERTIM (see chart above). Fernando d'Araujo (“Lasama”) of the Democratic Party is President of the Parliament (Speaker). Perdana Menteri Gusmão memimpin pemerintahan koalisi yang disebut Aliansi Mayoritas Parlemen, yang terdiri dari CNRT, ASDT / PSD, PD dan UNDERTIM (lihat bagan di atas). Fernando d'Araujo ("Lasama") dari Partai Demokrat Presiden Parlemen ( pembicara). Fretilin, which was unable to form a coalition with a parliamentary majority, is in opposition. Fretilin, yang tidak mampu membentuk koalisi dengan mayoritas parlemen, berada dalam oposisi.
Five hundred observers from 15 countries, including Australia, and international organisations observed the presidential and parliamentary elections in April, May and June 2007, and overwhelmingly characterised them as peaceful, fair and democratic. Lima ratus pengamat dari 15 negara, termasuk Australia, dan organisasi internasional mengamati pemilihan presiden dan parlemen di bulan April, Mei dan Juni 2007, dan sangat dicirikan mereka sebagai damai, adil dan demokratis.
On 11 February 2008, President Ramos-Horta was shot and severely wounded in an attack led by rebel Alfredo Reinado (who was allegedly involved in the unrest of April/May 2006 and who had escaped from jail on 30 August 2006). Pada tanggal 11 Februari 2008, Presiden Ramos-Horta ditembak dan terluka parah dalam serangan yang dipimpin oleh Alfredo Reinado pemberontak (yang diduga terlibat dalam kerusuhan April / Mei 2006 dan yang telah melarikan diri dari penjara pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2006). A short time later a convoy including Prime Minister Gusmão was fired upon. Beberapa waktu kemudian, sebuah konvoi termasuk Perdana Menteri Gusmao dipecat atas. The Prime Minister was uninjured. Perdana Menteri tidak terluka. Responding to the attacks, the East Timorese Government declared a “state of siege”, the conditions of which included a curfew and restrictions on public gatherings. Menanggapi serangan itu, Pemerintah Timor Leste mengumumkan keadaan "pengepungan", kondisi yang termasuk pembatasan jam malam dan pertemuan umum. A combined East Timorese army and police force led operations to apprehend those responsible for the attacks. Seorang Timor Timur pasukan gabungan dan kepolisian dalam memimpin operasional untuk menangkap mereka yang bertanggung jawab atas serangan. President Ramos-Horta returned to East Timor on 17 April 2008, after receiving medical treatment in Australia. Presiden Ramos-Horta kembali ke Timor Timur pada tanggal 17 April 2008, setelah menerima perawatan medis di Australia. The “state of siege” ended in May 2008, following the surrender of rebel leader Gastao Salsinha and most of his followers. Negara "pengepungan" berakhir pada Mei 2008, setelah penyerahan pemimpin pemberontak Gastao Salsinha dan sebagian besar pengikutnya.

The role of the United Nations Peran PBB

UNTAET's mandate expired with East Timor's independence on 20 May 2002. mandat UNTAET yang berakhir dengan kemerdekaan Timor Timur pada tanggal 20 Mei 2002. The UN Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) was then established to provide assistance to the new East Timorese Government in the areas of public administration, law and order and external security. Misi Dukungan PBB di Timor Timur (UNMISET) kemudian didirikan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada orang Timor Timur baru Pemerintah di bidang administrasi publik, hukum dan ketertiban dan keamanan eksternal. The UN Security Council agreed in November 2004 to extend UNMISET's mandate until 20 May 2005. Dewan Keamanan PBB yang disepakati pada bulan November 2004 untuk memperpanjang mandat UNMISET's sampai 20 Mei 2005.
The United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL) succeeded UNMISET on 20 May 2005. Kantor Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa di Timor-Leste (UNOTIL) berhasil UNMISET pada tanggal 20 Mei 2005. UNOTIL was a special political mission established to carry out peace-building activities and to support the capacity development of critical state institutions including the National Police (PNTL) in order to strengthen democratic governance and to help build peace in East Timor. UNOTIL merupakan misi politik khusus yang dibentuk untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembangunan perdamaian dan untuk mendukung pengembangan kapasitas lembaga negara kritis termasuk Polisi Nasional (PNTL) untuk memperkuat pemerintahan yang demokratis dan untuk membantu membangun perdamaian di Timor Timur. Following the unrest in April/May 2006, UNOTIL's mandate was extended until 20 August 2006. Setelah kerusuhan pada bulan April / Mei 2006, yang mandat UNOTIL telah diperpanjang sampai 20 Agustus 2006.
UNOTIL was replaced by the current UN Integrated Mission to Timor-Leste (UNMIT), which has focussed on policing functions and police training, political and community reconciliation, assistance for the elections and humanitarian relief services. UNOTIL digantikan oleh Misi Terpadu PBB saat ini Timor-Leste (UNMIT), yang telah difokuskan pada fungsi kepolisian dan pelatihan polisi, dan masyarakat rekonsiliasi politik, bantuan untuk pemilu dan layanan bantuan kemanusiaan. On 26 February 2009, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 1867 (2009) which extends UNMIT's mandate until 26 February 2010. Pada tanggal 26 Februari 2009, Dewan Keamanan PBB mengadopsi resolusi 1867 (2009) yang memperpanjang mandat UNMIT's sampai 26 Februari 2010. Australia is contributing to UNMIT, especially through the provision of police personnel. Australia memberikan kontribusi untuk UNMIT, khususnya melalui penyediaan personil polisi.
Australia leads the International Stabilisation Force (ISF) that was asked by the East Timorese leadership to help restore stability following the unrest experienced in April/May 2006. Australia memimpin Pasukan Stabilisasi Internasional (ISF) yang diminta oleh pimpinan Timor Timur untuk membantu memulihkan stabilitas setelah kerusuhan berpengalaman di bulan April / Mei 2006. The ISF operates independently from, but in support of, UNMIT. ISF beroperasi secara independen dari, tapi untuk mendukung, UNMIT.
East Timor became the 191st United Nations member state on 27 September 2002. Timor Timur menjadi 191 negara anggota Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa pada tanggal 27 September 2002. East Timor is also member of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Timor Timur juga anggota dari Bank Dunia, Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) dan Gerakan Non-Blok (NAM). It has expressed interest in membership of ASEAN and is a member of the ASEAN Regional Forum. Telah menyatakan minatnya dalam keanggotaan ASEAN dan merupakan anggota Forum Regional ASEAN.

Economic overview Sekilas Ekonomi

East Timor is one of the poorest countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Timor Timur merupakan salah satu negara termiskin di kawasan Asia Pasifik. It was ranked 158 out of 179 countries in the 2008 UN Human Development Indicies, and fares poorly on key indicators such as life expectancy, literacy and GDP per capita. Itu adalah peringkat 158 dari 179 negara pada tahun 2008 Manusia Indicies Pembangunan PBB, dan tarif buruk pada indikator kunci seperti harapan hidup, melek huruf dan PDB per kapita.
While it has made significant progress in building an institutional framework to support economic development and promote macroeconomic stability, East Timor's economic performance since independence has been fragile. Sementara itu telah membuat kemajuan yang signifikan dalam membangun sebuah kerangka kelembagaan untuk mendukung pembangunan ekonomi dan mempromosikan stabilitas makroekonomi, Timor Timur sejak kemerdekaan kinerja ekonomi telah rapuh. Growth contracted following the reduced international presence after 2002, before increasing in 2004 (0.3 per cent) and 2005 (2.3 per cent). Pertumbuhan dikontrak berikut kehadiran internasional berkurang setelah tahun 2002, sebelum meningkat pada tahun 2004 (0,3 persen) dan 2005 (2,3 persen). The economy contracted sharply again in 2006 (-3.4 per cent) following the violence of that year. Ekonomi menyusut tajam lagi di tahun 2006 (-3,4 persen) setelah kekerasan tahun itu. With UNMIT's establishment and the return of a significant number of international personnel, East Timor's economic growth rate increased sharply in 2007 (19.8 per cent). Dengan's pendirian UNMIT dan kembalinya sejumlah besar personil internasional, tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi di Timor Timur pada tahun 2007 meningkat tajam (19,8 persen). In 2008, IMF forecast 2.5 per cent growth with 4 per cent inflation. Pada tahun 2008, IMF memperkirakan 2,5 persen pertumbuhan dengan 4 per inflasi persen.
The nation continues to face a range of long-term development challenges that will impact on the achievement of broad-based economic growth including labour force incapacity, weak public governance and inadequate infrastructure. Bangsa ini terus menghadapi berbagai tantangan pembangunan jangka-panjang yang akan berdampak pada pencapaian pertumbuhan ekonomi berbasis-luas termasuk ketidakmampuan tenaga kerja, pemerintahan umum lemah dan prasarana yang tidak memadai. Political instability has undermined Government efforts to promote private sector investment as a basis for long-term development. ketidakstabilan politik telah merusak upaya pemerintah untuk mempromosikan investasi sektor swasta sebagai dasar untuk pembangunan jangka panjang. East Timor ranked 170 of 181 in the World Bank's 2009 Doing Business report. Timor Timur peringkat 170 dari 181 di tahun 2009 Bisnis Melakukan laporan Bank Dunia. East Timor's economic challenges are compounded by profound infrastructure deficits, notably in the areas of transportation, telecommunication and electricity. tantangan ekonomi Timor Timur ini masih diperparah dengan defisit infrastruktur yang mendalam, terutama di bidang transportasi, telekomunikasi dan listrik.
East Timor's National Development Plan identifies governance, poverty reduction and improved food security as development priorities. Timor Timur Rencana Pembangunan Nasional mengidentifikasi pemerintahan, pengentasan kemiskinan dan peningkatan ketahanan pangan sebagai prioritas pembangunan. Objectives include reaching an annual GDP growth rate of 5 per cent in the medium term and the 50 per cent reduction of the number of people living below the poverty line by 2015. Tujuan mencakup mencapai tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan PDB 5 persen dalam jangka menengah dan 50 persen pengurangan jumlah orang yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan pada tahun 2015. Other development priorities include strengthening the judiciary and other institutions; creating an enabling environment for civil society and business; reducing unemployment and providing skills training and education. Continued reform of the power sector and improvement of infrastructure will also be important. prioritas-prioritas pembangunan lainnya termasuk memperkuat lembaga peradilan dan lembaga lainnya; menciptakan lingkungan yang memungkinkan bagi masyarakat sipil dan bisnis; mengurangi pengangguran dan memberikan pelatihan keterampilan dan pendidikan. Lanjutan reformasi sektor listrik dan peningkatan infrastruktur juga akan menjadi penting.
Despite these challenges, East Timor is set to benefit from the commercial exploitation of its petroleum reserves. Meski demikian, Timor Timur diatur untuk keuntungan dari eksploitasi komersial cadangan BBM. East Timor's economy is one of the most heavily petroleum-dependent in the world. Ekonomi Timor Timur adalah salah satu yang paling berat yang bergantung pada minyak bumi di dunia. The Government of East Timor is seeking to use its oil revenues in support of long-term economic development, economic diversification and poverty reduction. Pemerintah Timor Timur yang ingin menggunakan pendapatan minyak dalam mendukung pembangunan ekonomi jangka panjang, diversifikasi ekonomi dan pengurangan kemiskinan. East Timor has established an internationally-acclaimed Petroleum Fund to manage its petroleum revenues transparently and sustainably. As at 31 December 2008 the fund had accumulated savings of around US$4.2 billion. Timor Timur telah membentuk-yang diakui secara internasional Dana Minyak untuk mengelola pendapatan minyak bumi secara transparan dan berkelanjutan dari. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008 telah terkumpul dana tabungan sekitar US $ 4,2 miliar.

Trade Perdagangan

In 2007-08, East Timor ranked as Australia's 91 st largest goods trading partner, with total merchandise trade valued at $37 million. Pada 2007-08, Timor Timur digolongkan sebagai barang Australia perdagangan terbesar st 91 mitra, dengan total perdagangan barang dagangan senilai $ 37 juta. Australian exports to East Timor were valued at $33 million with major items including refined petroleum and motor vehicles. ekspor Australia ke Timor Timur dinilai dengan $ 33.000.000 dengan item utama termasuk pengilangan minyak dan kendaraan bermotor. Imports were valued at $4 million, with coffee a major import. Impor senilai $ 4 juta, dengan kopi impor utama. In July 2003, Australia extended preferential duty free access and quota-free access to the Australian market for goods of East Timorese origin. Pada bulan Juli 2003, Australia diperpanjang akses khusus bebas bea dan akses bebas kuota ke pasar Australia untuk barang asal Timor Timur.
East Timor has a steadily improving trade balance, reflecting the contribution of petroleum development. Excluding hydrocarbons, coffee accounts for around 90 per cent of merchandise exports, and this could increase as world coffee prices rebound. Timor Timur memiliki neraca perdagangan terus meningkat, mencerminkan kontribusi pengembangan minyak bumi. Tidak termasuk hidrokarbon account kopi, sekitar 90 persen dari ekspor barang dagangan, dan ini bisa meningkat seiring rebound harga kopi dunia.

Labour Market Buruh Pasar

East Timor suffers from a significant unemployment problem which is an important factor contributing to political instability. Timor Timur menderita masalah pengangguran yang signifikan yang merupakan faktor penting berkontribusi terhadap ketidakstabilan politik. In Dili, home to about a quarter of the labour force, unemployment is estimated at 23 per cent overall, and 40 per cent among those aged 15 to 29. Di Dili, rumah bagi sekitar seperempat dari angkatan kerja, pengangguran diperkirakan sebesar 23 per keseluruhan persen, dan 40 persen di antara mereka yang usia 15 hingga 29. This unemployment data, however, should be interpreted with caution given the difficulties in measuring unemployment in a largely subsistence economy. Data ini pengangguran, bagaimanapun, harus ditafsirkan dengan hati-hati mengingat kesulitan dalam mengukur tingkat pengangguran di sebagian besar ekonomi subsistensi.

Agriculture Pertanian

Agriculture dominates the East Timorese economy, accounting for over 30 per cent of GDP and approximately 70 per cent of employment. Pertanian mendominasi ekonomi Timor Timur, akuntansi selama lebih dari 30 persen dari PDB dan sekitar 70 persen pekerjaan. Insufficient food production (from an average landholding of 1.2 hectares) and an underdeveloped local market have led to a dependency on imports. Kurangnya produksi pangan (dari rata-rata pemilikan tanah 1,2 hektar), dan pasar lokal terbelakang telah menyebabkan ketergantungan pada impor. Transforming subsistence farming, which dominates the agriculture sector, into an export-oriented industry, is a challenge. Transformasi pertanian subsisten, yang mendominasi sektor pertanian, menjadi industri berorientasi ekspor, adalah sebuah tantangan. Key crops such as coffee and vanilla, and potentially candlenut and palm oil, will be targeted for increased capital investment. Kunci tanaman seperti kopi dan vanili, dan berpotensi kemiri dan minyak kelapa sawit, akan ditargetkan untuk investasi modal meningkat.

Finance and Banking Keuangan dan Perbankan

The USD was adopted as the official currency in January 2000. USD diadopsi sebagai mata uang resmi pada bulan Januari 2000. Timorese coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 centavos were introduced in November 2003 to enable small denomination transactions and partially assist with monetisation of the economy. koin Timor dalam denominasi 1, 5,, 10, 25 dan 50 centavos diperkenalkan pada November 2003 untuk memungkinkan transaksi denominasi kecil dan sebagian membantu dengan monetisasi perekonomian.

Legal and Judicial Issues Hukum dan Masalah Yudisial

Although a broad range of legislation has been promulgated, further strengthening of legal and judicial frameworks will be key to promoting economic development and effective governance in East Timor. Meskipun berbagai peraturan telah diundangkan, lebih lanjut memperkuat kerangka hukum dan peradilan akan menjadi kunci untuk mempromosikan pembangunan ekonomi dan tata kelola di Timor Timur. Delays in the passage of legislation have been caused by a backlog of legislation and a shortage of skilled personnel. Penundaan dalam bagian undang-undang telah disebabkan oleh undang-undang dan jaminan kekurangan tenaga terampil. East Timor's legal and judiciary systems are also complicated by language issues. hukum dan sistem peradilan Timor Timur juga rumit dengan masalah bahasa. Indonesian law was made the subsidiary law in November 2003 however this has only partially resolved the complexity of the legislative environment. hukum Indonesia telah membuat hukum anak perusahaan pada bulan November 2003 namun hal ini hanya sebagian diselesaikan kompleksitas lingkungan legislatif.
Key commercial legislation that has already been passed by Parliament includes company law, commercial registry and tax legislation providing further incentives to investors. These are based on civil as opposed to common law. undang-undang komersial kunci yang telah disahkan oleh Parlemen meliputi hukum perusahaan, registri komersial dan peraturan perpajakan yang memberikan insentif lebih lanjut kepada investor. ini didasarkan pada sipil karena bertentangan dengan hukum umum. The promulgation of land ownership, investment, bankruptcy, banking and insurance laws is a priority. Pengundangan kepemilikan tanah, investasi, kepailitan, perbankan dan hukum asuransi merupakan prioritas. The Government of East Timor is also developing additional private sector enabling legislation, designed to establish an open, attractive and competitive environment for investment. Pemerintah Timor Timur juga mengembangkan sektor swasta tambahan yang memungkinkan undang-undang, yang dirancang untuk membentuk terbuka, menarik dan lingkungan yang kompetitif untuk investasi. Central to this aim has been the establishment of an Investment and Export Promotion Agency. Pusat untuk tujuan ini telah menjadi pendirian Investasi dan Badan Promosi Ekspor.
Although several foreigners have previously purchased land in East Timor, the East Timorese Constitution does not recognise foreign land ownership. Meskipun beberapa orang asing sebelumnya telah membeli tanah di Timor Timur, Timor Timur Konstitusi tidak mengakui kepemilikan tanah asing. There are also plans to develop legislation that will recognise traditional land ownership and protect women's rights to traditional land claims. Ada juga berencana untuk mengembangkan undang-undang yang akan mengakui kepemilikan tanah tradisional dan melindungi hak perempuan untuk klaim tanah adat.

Bilateral relationship Hubungan bilateral

The Australian people have a special affinity with East Timor stretching back many decades. Orang-orang Australia memiliki hubungan khusus dengan Timor Timur peregangan kembali beberapa dekade. Australia has been in the front-line of support for East Timor's transition to independence, including our role in the first UN monitoring mission, UNAMET. Australia telah di garis-depan dukungan bagi transisi Timor Timur menuju kemerdekaan, termasuk peran kami dalam misi pemantauan PBB pertama, UNAMET. This culminated in a national referendum which in turn resulted in independence. Hal ini memuncak pada referendum nasional yang pada gilirannya menghasilkan kemerdekaan. Australia led the multinational INTERFET force which restored security in East Timor following the 1999 post-ballot violence, and played a leading role in UNMISET. Australia memimpin pasukan multinasional INTERFET yang dikembalikan keamanan di Timor Timur setelah kekerasan pasca-pemungutan suara tahun 1999, dan memainkan peran utama dalam UNMISET. Australia leads the ISF which deployed to East Timor at the request of the East Timorese leadership to help restore stability following the unrest of April/May 2006. Australia memimpin ISF yang ditempatkan di Timor Leste atas permintaan pimpinan Timor Timur untuk membantu memulihkan stabilitas setelah kerusuhan April / Mei 2006. The ISF remains in East Timor in support of UNMIT, with the full support of the East Timorese Government and United Nations. ISF tetap di Timor Timur untuk mendukung UNMIT, dengan dukungan penuh dari Pemerintah Timor Timur dan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Following the events of 11 February 2008, the Australian Government, at the request of the East Timorese Government, deployed approximately 200 additional soldiers and 70 police under the ISF. Setelah peristiwa 11 Februari 2008, Pemerintah Australia, atas permintaan Pemerintah Timor Timur, dikerahkan sekitar 200 tentara tambahan dan 70 polisi di bawah ISF. These additional forces have now been withdrawn. Tambahan kekuatan ini kini telah ditarik.
Australia and East Timor signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation to Combat International Terrorism in August 2003, and two MOUs on combating illegal immigration and people smuggling in February 2002. Australia dan Timor Timur menandatangani Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) tentang Kerjasama Memerangi Terorisme Internasional pada bulan Agustus 2003, dan dua nota kesepahaman untuk memberantas imigrasi ilegal dan penyelundupan orang pada Februari 2002. Australia and East Timor also signed an MOU in October 2006 on security arrangements within the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA). Australia dan Timor Timur juga menandatangani MOU pada bulan Oktober 2006 pada pengaturan keamanan di dalam Kawasan Pengembangan Minyak Bersama (JPDA).
Reflective of the strength of the bilateral relationship, there have been numerous high-level visits between Australia and East Timor. Mencerminkan kekuatan hubungan bilateral, ada tingkat tinggi dilihat banyak antara Australia dan Timor Timur. Prime Minister Rudd and Foreign Minister Smith visited East Timor on 14 December 2007 as part of their first overseas visit. Perdana Menteri Rudd dan Menteri Luar Negeri Smith berkunjung ke Timor Timur pada tanggal 14 Desember 2007 sebagai bagian dari kunjungan pertama mereka di luar negeri. Mr Rudd visited East Timor again on 15 February 2008 to express solidarity following the 11 February 2008 attacks. Rudd berkunjung ke Timor Timur lagi pada tanggal 15 Februari 2008 untuk mengungkapkan solidaritas menyusul serangan 11 Februari 2008. East Timor's Foreign Minister, Zacarias da Costa, paid official visits to Australia from in February 2008 and February 2009. Timor Timur Menteri Luar Negeri, Zacarias da Costa, dibayar kunjungan resmi ke Australia dari pada Februari 2008 dan Februari 2009. Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, accompanied by a range of ministers, secretaries of state and East Timor's Chief of the Defence Force, visited Australia as guest of the Government between 24-28 August 2008. Perdana Menteri Xanana Gusmao, didampingi oleh sejumlah menteri, sekretaris negara dan Timor Timur Kepala Angkatan Pertahanan, mengunjungi Australia sebagai tamu Pemerintah antara 24-28 Agustus 2008.
At a joint news conference on 25 August 2008 Prime Ministers Rudd and Gusmão announced a joint education, training and employment initiative that will review existing cooperation and make specific recommendations, with a focus on needs in East Timor's public sector so it can better support East Timor's development. Pada konferensi pers bersama pada 25 Agustus 2008 Perdana Menteri Rudd dan Gusmão mengumumkan pendidikan bersama, pelatihan dan inisiatif kerja yang akan meninjau ulang kerjasama yang ada dan membuat rekomendasi spesifik, dengan fokus pada kebutuhan di's publik sektor Timor Timur sehingga dapat lebih mendukung Timor Timur pembangunan. The review will also consider possible access for East Timorese workers to Australia's seasonal labour market. Kajian ini juga akan mempertimbangkan kemungkinan akses untuk pekerja Timor Timur untuk pasar tenaga kerja musiman di Australia. Prime Minister Rudd also announced a range of additional initiatives, including: an increase in the number of Australian Development Scholarships available to East Timorese students from 2009; a scoping study for an English language training centre in East Timor; an additional $1.3 million to support the World Food Program's mother and child nutrition program; and an additional $2.5 million for the "seeds of life" joint rural development program to improve agricultural productivity. Perdana Menteri Rudd juga mengumumkan sejumlah inisiatif tambahan, termasuk: peningkatan jumlah Australian Development Scholarships tersedia untuk Timor mahasiswa Timur dari 2009; suatu studi pelingkupan untuk sebuah pusat pelatihan bahasa Inggris di Timor Timur; tambahan $ 1.300.000 untuk mendukung Program Pangan Dunia ibu dan program gizi anak; dan tambahan $ 2,5 juta untuk para "benih kehidupan" bersama program pembangunan pedesaan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertanian.

Development Assistance Bantuan Pembangunan

As a close neighbour, Australia is strongly committed to East Timor's development priorities and provides support to assist the Government of East Timor to achieve stability and greater prosperity. Sebagai tetangga dekat, Australia sangat berkomitmen untuk prioritas pembangunan Timor Timur dan memberikan dukungan untuk membantu Pemerintah Timor Leste untuk mencapai stabilitas dan kemakmuran yang lebih besar.
Although East Timor is one of the poorest countries in the Asia-Pacific region, it has made considerable progress since independence, including through implementation of a National Development Plan. Walaupun Timor Timur adalah salah satu negara termiskin di kawasan Asia Pasifik, itu telah membuat kemajuan sejak kemerdekaan, termasuk melalui pelaksanaan Rencana Pembangunan Nasional. But considerable challenges remain, including in public sector administration, law and justice, and governance, which are compounded by a low skills base, high population growth and limited prospects to generate jobs. Tapi tantangan besar tetap, termasuk dalam administrasi sektor publik, hukum dan keadilan, dan pemerintahan, yang diperburuk dengan dasar keterampilan yang rendah, pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi dan prospek terbatas untuk menghasilkan pekerjaan. The challenges facing East Timor are complex and will require substantial assistance by the international community, including Australia, for some time to come. Tantangan yang dihadapi Timor Leste adalah kompleks dan akan memerlukan bantuan besar oleh masyarakat internasional, termasuk Australia, untuk beberapa waktu ke depan.
AusAID's development assistance budget to East Timor in 2006-07 was $43.6 million. bantuan pembangunan AusAID anggaran ke Timor Timur pada 2006-07 adalah $ 43.600.000. Due to the unrest in April/May 2006 and the subsequent humanitarian crisis, Australia's spending on Official Development Assistance increased to an estimated $74.8 million. Karena kerusuhan di bulan April / Mei 2006 dan krisis kemanusiaan berikutnya, yang menghabiskan Australia Official Development Assistance meningkat menjadi sekitar $ 74.800.000. Australia's Official Development Assistance budget for East Timor in 2008-09 is $96.34 million. Australia anggaran Bantuan Pembangunan Resmi untuk Timor Timur pada 2008-09 adalah $ 96.340.000.
Australia is assisting East Timor to build appropriate institutions and policies for the efficient use of its petroleum revenues. Australia membantu Timor Leste untuk membangun lembaga dan kebijakan yang tepat untuk efisiensi penggunaan pendapatan BBM. Australia supports effective and accountable planning, budgeting and expenditure management (including at the district level), and work to improve broader public sector management. Australia mendukung efektif dan akuntabel perencanaan, penganggaran dan manajemen pengeluaran (termasuk di tingkat kabupaten), dan bekerja untuk memperbaiki manajemen sektor publik yang lebih luas.
Australia continues to support improvement in the delivery of basic services in East Timor. Australia terus mendukung perbaikan pelayanan dasar di Timor Timur. This includes assistance for: strengthened rural water supply and sanitation, with an emphasis on environmental health; strengthened health systems and improvement in maternal and child health; expansion of vocational education, training and job opportunities for youth, particularly in rural areas; and improved food security. Ini mencakup bantuan untuk: air bersih dan sanitasi pedesaan diperkuat, dengan penekanan pada kesehatan lingkungan; memperkuat sistem kesehatan dan peningkatan dan anak; kesehatan ibu perluasan pendidikan kejuruan, pelatihan dan kesempatan kerja untuk pemuda, terutama di daerah pedesaan, dan meningkatkan makanan keamanan.
Australia has also been working with the East Timorese Government to assist the development of East Timor's security forces. Australia juga telah bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah Timor Timur untuk membantu perkembangan pasukan keamanan Timor Timur. Australia is assisting East Timor's National Police Force which is managed by the Australian Federal Police. Australia membantu Timor Timur Kepolisian yang dikelola oleh Polisi Federal Australia. Australia will also assist the justice sector and support accountability and oversight mechanisms including the Parliament and the nation's electoral system. Australia juga akan membantu sektor keadilan dan akuntabilitas dukungan dan mekanisme pengawasan termasuk DPR dan itu sistem pemilu bangsa.
Australia is also a lead donor in the development of the East Timorese Defence Force. Australia juga merupakan donor utama dalam pengembangan Angkatan Pertahanan Timor Timur. Our Defence Cooperation Program focuses on capacity building through in-country training and professional advice. Program Kerjasama Pertahanan kami berfokus pada peningkatan kapasitas melalui pelatihan-negara dan nasihat profesional. On his 15 February 2008 visit, Prime Minister Rudd foreshadowed additional support for East Timor's security sector to support long-term reform. Pada tanggal kunjungannya, 2008 15, Perdana Menteri Rudd meramalkan dukungan tambahan untuk sektor keamanan Timor Timur untuk mendukung reformasi jangka panjang.

Travel Perjalanan

Australians planning on visiting East Timor should consult the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Travel Advisory before departure. Australia berencana untuk mengunjungi Timor Timur sebaiknya berkonsultasi dengan Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan Travel Advisory sebelum keberangkatan.

Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste

Economic recovery continued in 2005, and the outlook is for moderate growth, supported by oil and gas revenues and donor assistance. Pemulihan ekonomi lanjutan di tahun 2005, dan prospek pertumbuhan moderat, didukung oleh pendapatan minyak dan gas dan bantuan donor. Revenues are being invested in a fund to be tapped over the long term. Pendapatan sedang diinvestasikan dalam dana untuk dimanfaatkan dalam jangka panjang. High population growth, weak infrastructure, and limited institutional capacity are major hurdles to development. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, infrastruktur yang lemah, dan kapasitas kelembagaan terbatas rintangan utama bagi pembangunan. Growth would have to accelerate to make significant inroads into widespread poverty. Pertumbuhan harus mempercepat untuk membuat terobosan signifikan dalam kemiskinan yang meluas.

Economic performance Ekonomi kinerja

After 2 years of economic contraction caused by drought and the winding down of peace-keeping forces after independence was restored in May 2002, a recovery began in 2004 and continued into 2005. Setelah 2 tahun kontraksi ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh kekeringan dan berliku turun dari pasukan penjaga perdamaian setelah kemerdekaan direstorasi pada Mei 2002, pemulihan yang dimulai tahun 2004 dan berlanjut sampai 2005. Growth was supported by a rise in government income from the country's share of oil and natural gas production in the Timor Sea, estimated at $130 million in FY2005 (ended 30 June 2005) (Figure 2.32.1). Pertumbuhan ini didukung oleh meningkatnya pendapatan pemerintah dari berbagi negara produksi minyak dan gas alam di Laut Timor, diperkirakan sebesar $ 130,000,000 di tahun 2005 (berakhir 30 Juni 2005) (Gambar 2.32.1). Non-oil gross domestic product (GDP), the preferred measure of the economy, was estimated at $350 million, up by 2.5% from FY2004. Non-minyak produk domestik bruto (PDB), ukuran yang disukai ekonomi, diperkirakan $ 350 juta, naik sebesar 2,5% dari FY2004. A pickup in agriculture, which employs about 74% of the labor force, and an expansion of bank lending also played their part. Sebuah pickup di bidang pertanian, yang mempekerjakan sekitar 74% dari angkatan kerja, dan perluasan pinjaman bank juga memainkan bagian mereka.
The rising revenues from petroleum production have bolstered the fiscal position (Figure 2.32.2). Pendapatan meningkat dari produksi minyak bumi telah diperkuat posisi fiskal (Gambar 2.32.2). Total government receipts increased from $105 million, or 31% of non-oil GDP in FY2004, to $192 million (55%) in FY2005, and are forecast to hit $206 million (57%) in FY2006. Jumlah penerimaan pemerintah meningkat dari $, 105 juta atau 31% dari PDB non-minyak di FY2004, untuk $ 192,000,000 (55%) di tahun 2005, dan diperkirakan akan mencapai $ 206,000,000 (57%) di FY2006. However, the execution of expenditure plans and government projects is slow, reflecting an overly centralized process, limited skills and institutional capacity, and a high level of commitment to fiduciary accountability. Namun, pelaksanaan rencana pengeluaran dan proyek-proyek pemerintah lambat, mencerminkan proses terlalu terpusat, keterampilan terbatas dan kapasitas kelembagaan, dan tingkat komitmen yang tinggi untuk akuntabilitas fidusia. By March 2005, only 42% of approved procurement and just 6% of the FY2005 capital development budget had been spent. Pada Maret 2005, hanya 42% dari pengadaan disetujui dan hanya 6% dari anggaran modal pembangunan tahun 2005 sudah habis. In addition, there was a large carryover of public spending from FY2004. Selain itu, ada sisa-sisa besar belanja publik dari FY2004. Actual capital expenditure has been low, at less than 3% of non-oil GDP in the past 2 years. Realisasi belanja modal telah rendah, kurang dari 3% dari PDB non-minyak dalam 2 tahun terakhir. Reflecting these developments, a fiscal surplus of $114 million, or 32% of non-oil GDP, is estimated for FY2005. Merefleksikan perkembangan ini, surplus fiskal sebesar $, 114 juta atau 32% dari PDB non-minyak, diperkirakan untuk tahun 2005. The authorities continue to follow a policy of no domestic or external borrowing. Pihak berwenang terus mengikuti kebijakan tidak pinjaman domestik atau eksternal.
A trade deficit of around $200 million (excluding oil and gas exports) has been recorded in each of the past 3 years (Figures 2.32.3 and 2.32.4). Defisit perdagangan sekitar $ 200 juta (tidak termasuk ekspor minyak dan gas) telah dicatat di masing-masing dari 3 tahun terakhir (Angka 2.32.3 dan 2.32.4). The current account, including international assistance, recorded a surplus of $149 million in 2005 (Figure 2.32.5), up substantially over 3 years because of higher oil and gas royalties, donor funding, small though increasing coffee exports ($7.6 million in 2005), and constrained imports as a result of deficient budget execution. Transaksi berjalan, termasuk bantuan internasional, mencatat surplus $ 149.000.000 pada tahun 2005 (Gambar 2.32.5), naik secara substansial selama 3 tahun karena minyak yang lebih tinggi dan royalti gas, dana donor, kecil meskipun peningkatan ekspor kopi ($ 7.600.000 pada tahun 2005) , dan dibatasi impor sebagai akibat dari kekurangan pelaksanaan anggaran. Excluding donor assistance, the current account showed a deficit of $18 million in 2005. Tidak termasuk bantuan donor, neraca transaksi berjalan menunjukkan defisit sebesar $ 18 juta di tahun 2005. Official transfers and substantial oil and gas income provide considerable external purchasing capacity. Resmi transfer dan minyak dan gas besar pendapatan yang cukup besar menyediakan kapasitas pembelian eksternal. International reserves in 2005 were equivalent to about 15 months of imports. Cadangan devisa pada tahun 2005 adalah setara dengan sekitar 15 bulan impor.
Commercial bank lending to the private sector rose by about $20 million to over $90 million in 2005, equivalent to around 26% of non-oil GDP, with loans for construction and small transport businesses accounting for much of the increase. pinjaman bank komersial ke sektor swasta meningkat sekitar $ 20 juta kepada lebih dari $ 90 juta pada tahun 2005, setara dengan sekitar 26% dari PDB non-minyak, dengan pinjaman untuk konstruksi dan akuntansi usaha kecil banyak transportasi untuk meningkatkan. Deposits with commercial banks have also risen strongly since 2000. Simpanan pada bank komersial juga meningkat kuat sejak tahun 2000. However, financial intermediation remains concentrated in Dili, with access to finance in rural areas limited to a few rural cooperatives and microfinance entities. Namun, intermediasi keuangan masih tetap terkonsentrasi di Dili, dengan akses ke keuangan di daerah pedesaan dibatasi untuk beberapa koperasi pedesaan dan keuangan mikro entitas.
The Government remains committed to using the United States (US) dollar as the official unit of currency. Pemerintah tetap berkomitmen untuk menggunakan Amerika Serikat (AS) dolar sebagai unit mata uang resmi. At this stage of Timor-Leste's development, the dollar functions well in avoiding problems of currency convertibility and monetary instability, and saves the costs involved in setting up independent monetary arrangements. Pada tahap ini pembangunan Timor-Leste, fungsi dolar baik dalam menghindari masalah penukaran mata uang dan ketidakstabilan moneter, dan menghemat biaya yang terlibat dalam mendirikan pengaturan moneter yang independen. The dollar-based monetary and exchange rate system, together with low to moderate inflation rates in trading partner countries, have helped hold inflation to around 2–3% in the past 2 years (Figure 2.32.6). Inflasi terus dolar berbasis moneter dan sistem nilai tukar, bersama-sama dengan rendah sampai tingkat inflasi yang moderat di negara-negara mitra dagang, telah membantu sekitar 2-3% dalam 2 tahun terakhir (Gambar 2.32.6).
The key macroeconomic policy development last year was enactment of the Petroleum Act to establish a long-term petroleum fund. Pengembangan kebijakan utama makroekonomi tahun terakhir berlakunya UU Petroleum untuk membentuk dana minyak jangka panjang. The fund aims both to insulate the non-oil economy from potential inflationary and real exchange rate appreciation impacts and rent-seeking effects of oil and gas windfalls, and to maintain the value of the country's oil wealth, so that future generations also benefit from it. Dana tersebut bertujuan baik untuk melindungi perekonomian non-minyak dari potensi dampak inflasi dan riil nilai tukar apresiasi dan sewa-mencari efek dari minyak dan menyalurkan manfaat gas, dan untuk mempertahankan nilai kekayaan minyak negara itu, sehingga generasi mendatang juga mendapat manfaat dari itu . The fund has a mandate to invest solely in low-risk government bonds (it currently holds US treasury securities), with revenues subject to strict accountability and transparency measures. Dana ini memiliki mandat untuk berinvestasi hanya dalam obligasi pemerintah berisiko rendah (itu saat ini memegang surat berharga US Treasury), dengan pendapatan sesuai dengan akuntabilitas yang ketat dan tindakan transparansi. The intention is to limit annual budget spending to the combined total of domestic non-oil revenues and the estimated permanent, or “sustainable,” income from the petroleum fund. Tujuannya adalah untuk membatasi pengeluaran anggaran tahunan kepada total gabungan pendapatan non-minyak dalam negeri dan diperkirakan permanen, atau "pembangunan," Pendapatan dari dana minyak bumi. Sustainable income is an estimate of the income that can be maintained indefinitely without depleting the fund. penghasilan berkelanjutan adalah perkiraan pendapatan yang dapat dipertahankan selamanya tanpa depleting dana tersebut. According to the FY2006 budget, the estimate of this income for the financial year is $103 million. Menurut anggaran FY2006, estimasi pendapatan ini untuk tahun keuangan adalah $ 103 juta. Together with an estimate of nonpetroleum revenues of $47 million, this implies sustainable spending of about $150 million, and compares with FY2006 planned government-funded expenditure of $120 million, additional committed donor outlays of $32 million, and desired, but unfunded, disbursements on sector investment programs of $107 million. Bersama dengan perkiraan pendapatan nonpetroleum dari $ 47.000.000, ini berarti pengeluaran berkelanjutan sekitar $ 150 juta, dan membandingkannya dengan pengeluaran FY2006 yang didanai pemerintah yang direncanakan dari $ 120 juta pengeluaran donor tambahan komitmen sebesar $ 32 juta jiwa, dan yang diinginkan, tapi didanai, penyaluran pada sektor program investasi $ 107.000.000. (These investment programs are infrastructure and social projects aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals.) (Program-program investasi infrastruktur dan proyek-proyek sosial yang bertujuan untuk mencapai Millenium Development Goals.)

Economic outlook Ekonomi outlook

The main assumptions are that donor assistance will continue to support the Government's development program, the Government will make reasonable progress in improving its execution of the budget, and commodity prices will not weaken significantly. Asumsi utama adalah bahwa bantuan donor akan terus mendukung program pembangunan Pemerintah, Pemerintah akan membuat kemajuan yang masuk akal dalam meningkatkan pelaksanaannya anggaran, dan harga komoditas tidak akan melemah secara signifikan.

Prospects for 2006 and 2007 Prospek untuk tahun 2006 dan 2007

Non-oil GDP is expected to grow by around 5% in 2006 (Figure 2.32.7), boosted by higher public investment that is financed by income from the petroleum fund. PDB non-minyak diharapkan tumbuh sekitar 5% pada tahun 2006 (Gambar 2.32.7), didorong oleh investasi publik yang lebih tinggi yang dibiayai oleh dana pendapatan dari minyak bumi. Public investment and government spending will remain the drivers of growth. investasi publik dan belanja pemerintah akan tetap menjadi pendorong pertumbuhan. Coffee exports are projected to increase, if the global coffee price does not come down substantially. ekspor kopi diproyeksikan mengalami peningkatan, jika harga kopi global tidak turun secara substansial. The private sector should benefit from planned public construction projects. Sektor swasta harus manfaat dari proyek-proyek konstruksi publik direncanakan. The Government also proposes to enact investment laws and simplify business registration procedures, though some in the private sector doubt the likely effectiveness of these proposals. Pemerintah juga mengusulkan untuk membuat undang-undang investasi dan menyederhanakan prosedur bisnis pendaftaran, meskipun beberapa di sektor swasta mungkin meragukan efektivitas proposal ini. In the energy sector, the Government is seeking production-sharing contracts to develop offshore oil fields in areas under Timor-Leste's sole jurisdiction. Di sektor energi, Pemerintah mencari kontrak bagi hasil untuk mengembangkan ladang minyak lepas pantai di wilayah di bawah yurisdiksi tunggal Timor-Leste. (Current production is from an area jointly developed with Australia.) GDP growth is expected to step down a little to average around 4% for the non-oil sector in 2007. (Produksi saat ini adalah dari daerah dikembangkan bersama dengan Australia) diperkirakan pertumbuhan PDB turun sedikit untuk rata-rata sekitar 4% untuk sektor non-minyak pada tahun 2007.. Against this, an International Monetary Fund mission to Timor-Leste in early 2006 estimated that annual economic growth of 7% or more is needed to significantly reduce poverty. Terhadap ini, sebuah misi Dana Moneter Internasional untuk Timor-Leste pada awal tahun 2006 memperkirakan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi tahunan 7% atau lebih dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi kemiskinan.
The Government has boosted planned fiscal spending by around 10% of non-oil GDP in FY2006, mainly for capital items, though the record on budget execution suggests that such an increase is unlikely to be realized. Pemerintah telah meningkatkan pengeluaran fiskal yang direncanakan oleh sekitar 10% dari PDB non-minyak di FY2006, terutama untuk barang modal, meskipun rekor pada pelaksanaan anggaran menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan tersebut tidak mungkin untuk direalisasikan. In an effort to improve performance in this area, the authorities have started addressing capacity problems in line ministries and improving monitoring of progress on budget execution. Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja di daerah ini, pemerintah sudah mulai menangani masalah kapasitas di kementerian dan meningkatkan pemantauan kemajuan pelaksanaan anggaran. The US Millennium Challenge Corporation, which selected Timor-Leste as eligible to apply for assistance, is a potential source of funding for the sector investment programs. Amerika Millenium Challenge Corporation, yang dipilih Timor-Leste sebagai berhak untuk mengajukan permohonan bantuan, merupakan sumber pendanaan potensial bagi program investasi sektor. This assistance may reach $30 million a year. Bantuan ini dapat mencapai $ 30.000.000 setahun.

Medium-term outlook Pandangan jangka menengah

The decision to limit drawdowns from the petroleum fund to sustainable income assures the Government a continuing revenue flow from this source. Keputusan untuk membatasi pencairan dana minyak bumi dari pendapatan yang berkelanjutan Pemerintah menjamin aliran pendapatan yang berkelanjutan dari sumber ini. Furthermore, the concept of insulating the economy from volatile flows of oil and gas income is sound. Selain itu, konsep ekonomi isolasi dari arus volatile pendapatan minyak dan gas suara. However, it is unclear that the current policy on drawdowns is the best approach, given the early stage of the economy's development. Namun, tidak jelas bahwa kebijakan saat ini pencairan adalah pendekatan yang terbaik, mengingat tahap awal pengembangan perekonomian. New discoveries of energy in the future, supplementing the savings carried forward in the fund and the likely improved state of the economy and public services, may well mean that future generations are much better off than the current generation (per capita non-oil GDP was about $350 in 2004). Penemuan-penemuan baru energi di masa depan, melengkapi tabungan dalam dana fiskal negara dan kemungkinan peningkatan ekonomi dan pelayanan publik, juga dapat berarti bahwa generasi masa depan jauh lebih baik dari generasi sekarang (PDB per kapita non-migas adalah sekitar $ 350 pada tahun 2004). This raises the question of whether more of the revenue should be used for development and for social support in the short and medium term. Hal ini menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah lebih dari pendapatan harus digunakan untuk pengembangan dan dukungan sosial dalam jangka pendek dan menengah. Government policy offers scope to do this because Parliament can authorize spending from the fund in a particular year to exceed the limit. kebijakan Pemerintah menawarkan ruang lingkup untuk melakukan hal ini karena DPR dapat mengotorisasi pengeluaran dari dana yang ada dalam suatu tahun tertentu melampaui batas. How this flexibility is used will partly determine the medium-term outlook. Bagaimana fleksibilitas ini digunakan sebagian akan menentukan prospek jangka menengah.
Budget projections for the next 4 years have identified a financing gap for planned expenditure on sector investment programs in the range of 20–30% of non-oil GDP. proyeksi Anggaran untuk 4 tahun mendatang telah mengidentifikasi kesenjangan pembiayaan untuk pengeluaran yang direncanakan pada program investasi sektor di kisaran 20-30% dari PDB non-minyak. The Government is hoping that donors, including the Millennium Challenge Corporation, will provide much of the funding. Pemerintah berharap bahwa donor, termasuk Millenium Challenge Corporation, akan menyediakan banyak dana. However, they might suggest that a large part of this financing should come from the petroleum fund—which, too, would affect the economic outlook. Namun, mereka mungkin menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar pembiayaan ini harus berasal dari dana minyak bumi yang juga akan mempengaruhi prospek ekonomi.
Much remains to be done in terms of building physical, human, and institutional capacity. Masih banyak yang harus dilakukan dalam hal peningkatan kapasitas fisik, manusia, dan kelembagaan. Unemployment and underemployment remain very high, against a backdrop of fast population growth (4.0% in 2005), and the number of Timorese could double in under 20 years to about 2 million. Pengangguran dan setengah pengangguran tetap sangat tinggi, dengan latar belakang pertumbuhan penduduk yang cepat (4,0% pada tahun 2005), dan jumlah Timor bisa ganda di bawah 20 tahun untuk sekitar 2 juta. In many small Pacific countries, governments are major employers, but the Timor-Leste Government has decided to keep its public sector small, such that the private sector needs to play a larger role. Di banyak negara-negara Pasifik kecil, pemerintah pengusaha besar, tetapi Pemerintah Timor-Leste telah memutuskan untuk menjaga sektor publik yang kecil, sehingga sektor swasta harus memainkan peran yang lebih besar. The Government has taken some steps to improve the legal and regulatory environment, though rapid and broad-based development of private business is unlikely in the medium term, a result of the limited infrastructure and workforce skills and the economy's relative isolation. Pemerintah telah mengambil beberapa langkah untuk memperbaiki lingkungan hukum dan peraturan, meskipun perkembangan pesat dan berbasis luas usaha swasta tidak mungkin dalam jangka menengah, akibat infrastruktur yang terbatas dan keterampilan tenaga kerja dan isolasi relatif perekonomian. Development in the longer term is likely to depend on investments in infrastructure and in education and training, but substantial progress on budget execution is needed before any increase in spending can be used effectively. Pembangunan jangka panjang cenderung tergantung pada investasi di bidang infrastruktur dan pendidikan dan pelatihan, namun kemajuan substansial pelaksanaan anggaran diperlukan sebelum peningkatan belanja dapat digunakan secara efektif.
Early in 2006, Australia and Timor-Leste signed an agreement to share equally oil and gas revenues in disputed territory that includes the Greater Sunrise gas field. Awal tahun 2006, Australia dan Timor-Leste menandatangani perjanjian untuk berbagi pendapatan minyak dan juga gas di wilayah sengketa yang meliputi lapangan gas Greater Sunrise. This field is expected to generate larger receipts than the Bayu-Undan field, which is now in production, and the agreement boosts confidence in the economy's future. Bidang ini diharapkan untuk menghasilkan penerimaan yang lebih besar dari lapangan Bayu-Undan, yang sekarang di produksi, dan meningkatkan kepercayaan perjanjian di masa depan perekonomian. The start of actual revenue flows for Timor-Leste from Greater Sunrise could be some years away because the operator of the project has yet to confirm when it will proceed. Awal arus pendapatan aktual untuk Timor-Leste dari Greater Sunrise bisa beberapa tahun lagi karena operator proyek belum memastikan kapan akan dilanjutkan. In addition, sales contracts with international customers could take years to finalize; agreement needs to be reached on whether the gas is brought ashore in Australia or Timor-Leste; and revenue-sharing terms are subject to further negotiation, because 20% of the gas reservoir is estimated to be in the joint development area (where the existing Bayu-Undan field is located). Selain itu, kontrak penjualan dengan pelanggan internasional bisa waktu bertahun-tahun untuk menyelesaikan; kesepakatan harus dicapai pada apakah gas dibawa ke darat di Australia atau Timor-Leste, dan istilah pembagian pendapatan tunduk pada negosiasi lebih lanjut, karena 20% dari gas reservoir diperkirakan berada di area pengembangan bersama (di mana lapangan Bayu-Undan yang ada terletak).
Other uncertainties about the future relate to how the authorities will deal with trade-offs in trying to insulate the economy and achieve intergenerational equity in the use of oil and gas revenues, on the one hand, while attempting to secure desirable economic development outcomes for the current generation, on the other. ketidakpastian lain tentang masa depan berhubungan dengan bagaimana pemerintah akan menghadapi trade-off dalam mencoba melindungi perekonomian dan mencapai ekuitas antar generasi dalam penggunaan pendapatan minyak dan gas, di satu sisi, sementara mencoba untuk mengamankan hasil yang diinginkan untuk pembangunan ekonomi generasi sekarang, di sisi lain. The Government could come under twin pressures from donors and its own citizens to contribute more of the income for near-term purposes, and from workers in the formal sector for higher wages, which would affect the economy's ability to compete in non-oil export markets. Pemerintah bisa datang di bawah tekanan kembar dari donatur dan warga sendiri untuk memberikan kontribusi lebih dari pendapatan untuk tujuan jangka pendek, dan dari pekerja di sektor formal untuk upah yang lebih tinggi, yang akan mempengaruhi kemampuan ekonomi untuk bersaing di pasar ekspor non-minyak . Risks to development include the difficulties in improving the implementation of government programs, slow growth of the private sector, and a reduction in donor assistance. Risiko untuk pembangunan meliputi kesulitan dalam memperbaiki pelaksanaan program pemerintah, pertumbuhan lambat dari sektor swasta, dan penurunan

1 komentar:

  1. obrgda ba infrmasaun sira ne'e..para ami mos bele hatene liu tan..
